Part 5: Mastering Dynamic Suspension Transitions

Continue your journey into the captivating world of Shibari with our exclusive follow-up series "Mastering Suspension Transitions". This course extends and deepens the content covered in our previous Advanced Dynamic Suspension Transitions course. It is tailored for enthusiasts who have completed our Advanced Side Suspension Course, Advanced Horizontal and Vertical Suspension, and the initial Advanced Dynamic Suspension Transitions Courses.

Class Components

Complex Transition Sequences: Delve into more intricate and complex transition sequences, expanding your repertoire beyond fundamental positions. Explore the art of seamlessly connecting multiple suspension shapes, creating awe-inspiring sequences that showcase the fluidity and versatility of Shibari.

Advanced Torsion Techniques: Building on the introduction to torsion in the previous class, deepen your understanding and skills in advanced torsion techniques. Discover how torsion can be incorporated into transition sequences to add complexity, visual interest, and a heightened sense of connection.

Partner Connection and Communication: Strengthen your connection with your partner through enhanced communication techniques. Learn to read subtle cues, anticipate responses, and create a harmonious dynamic that elevates the shared experience during suspension transitions.

Extended Dynamic Transition Sequences: Elevate your Shibari practice by extending your dynamic transition sequences. Explore the intricacies of longer, more intricate sequences and movements, creating a mesmerising dance of ropes and bodies that captivates the senses and deepens the emotional resonance of your art.

Innovative Suspension Variations: Push the boundaries of traditional Shibari by exploring innovative suspension variations. Learn to adapt and create your own unique transitions, expressing your artistic vision and contributing to the evolution of Shibari as an art form.


  • Required knowledge: Completion of Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 of our Advanced Shibari Suspension Series is required.

  • Rope: 10 or more of your own pieces of jute (per person tying).

  • Required Hardware: 1 large suspension ring or 5 carabiners (oval preferred).

  • We recommend having a partner to tie for the suspension intensive in order to practice hands on and receive guidance.


Selected Saturday/Sunday Intensive tickets available below.